Aerospace & Defense
- Application Solutions Overview
- Aerospace & Defense
Motion Solutions for Aerospace & Defense
Allied Motion provides motion solutions to a wide range of companies throughout the world. Our motion products and systems are employed in aerospace and defense, commercial, and industrial markets. The key industries we serve in those markets are summarized below.

Aircraft Emergency Fuel Boost Pump
Many small propeller-driven aircraft benefit from a two-speed pump that maintains fuel pressure while cruising, but boosts fuel delivery for takeoff and landing.

Autonomous Vehicle Laser Sensor
DARPA’s annual “Urban Challenge” vehicle race spurs autonomous vehicle technology development.

Auxiliary Unit Fuel Pump
In the control of gas turbine engines used in aircraft auxiliary power units (APU) that must operate at tens-of-thousands of rpm, fuel pump frequency response and reliability are two key design parameters.

Bionic Prosthetic Arm
As part of a DARPA program, an Allied Motion customer developed a new anthropomorphic prosthetic limb that gives patients improved, dexterous control of a prosthetic arm and hand, including a sense of touch.

Dual-Arm Military Robot
Shown here mounted on the robot's mobile base is a dual-arm robotic manipulator system that is capable of lifting 110 lb (50 kg) and handling a myriad of field missions with human-like handling abilities.

IED Disposal Military Robot
Improvised Explosive Device (IED) disposal robots perform a critical role on today’s battlefield. These robots need to be extremely rugged and reliable yet lightweight and easy to maintain in the field.

Missile Seeker Optical Motor Encoder
Allied Motion engineers designed a high resolution motor-encoder, limited-angle actuator to meet the extremely demanding requirements of modern smart standoff weapons such as the JSOW missile shown here.

Mid-Range Munition Guidance System
The Mid-Range Munition (MRM) is a precision guided munition fired from a tank. The MRM will autonomously attack battlefield targets with pinpoint accuracy at beyond line-of-sight ranges of 8+ km (5+ miles).

Mobile Weapons System
The CROWS (Common Remote Operated Weapons Station) weapons turret allows a gunner to remain protected inside his vehicle while accurately operating a computer-stabilized, laser-aimed weapon.

Mobile SATCOM Motion System
Broadband communications with on-the-move vehicles on land, at sea, or in the air, are now a reality thanks in part to advanced motion systems that enable very accurate satellite tracking, even as vehicles experience high dynamic levels of motion and vibration.

Multi-Mission Military Robot
Accommodating multiple heavy payload types, and able to perform multiple mission types (explosive ordnance disposal, route clearing, reconnaissance, and more), the Warrior robot rapidly negotiates rough terrain and even climbs stairs while handling payloads up to 68 kg.

Pilot Cooling System Pump
Military helicopter pilots can be equipped with special flight suits that incorporate microclimate cooling. Cooling fluid is pumped through the suits by a special pump system driven by a brushless DC motor, keeping the pilot’s body temperature at near normal in harsh environmental conditions.

Space Station Experiment Module
Allied Motion engineered a large custom 560 mm (22 in.) diameter torque motor with encoder for the International Space Station. The motor was designed to power a 2.5 m (8.2 ft) diameter centrifuge rotor capable of providing artificial gravity levels ranging from 0.001 to 2 g.

UAV Gimbal Motion Control
Advanced micro-gimbals with high performance inertial stabilization technology are found on both land-based and aerial platforms such as military UAVs like the Predator.